Die Hard,

Minute 072: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

January 09, 2018

Mike Carlucci & Tierney Steele Callaghan
of  the Return to Oz Minute

The SWAT team assembles next to the arc lights facing Nakatomi Tower.

Theo, humming “Singin’ in the Rain,” is typing on a computer.

Argyle, having checked all blocked exits, parks his car on a lower parking level, next to the loading dock.  He looks at the reflection of the stuffed bear in the back seat. “Shut up,” he says to the bear.

“Let’s go,” says the SWAT leader. The SWAT team approaches the building.

McClane watches the advance from a window on the 34th floor. “Macho a——-s!” he says. “No! No!”

The SWAT team gets closer to the building.

Theo clears his throat, and says into his microphone, “Alright – – listen up, guys:  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…”  Ulie, next to the newsstand, chews on a Crunch bar.

“… not a creature was stirring, except –” continues Theo. Eddie rubs his earpiece and looks around.  Hans listens in from his vantage point in Holly’s office.

” the four a——-s coming in the rear in standard two-by-two cover formation,” says Theo.

Four SWAT members arrive at the entrance to the Nakatomi lobby.

“Okay, we’re all set,” says the SWAT leader.

Meanwhile, Captain Mitchell, Dwayne T. Robinson, and Sgt. Al Powell watch on from their staging area.


Reginald VelJohnson as Sgt. Al Powell

Matt Landers as Capt. Mitchell

Carmine Zozzora as SWAT leader Rivers

Bruce Willis as John McClane

Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber

Clarence Gilyard, Jr as Theo

Dennis Hayden as Eddie

Al Leong as Ulie

De’voreaux White as Argyle

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